Tianshi ZHENG

First Year Ph.D. Student in HKUST


HKUST, Clear Water Bay


Hello there!
I’m a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), advised by Prof. Yangqiu Song. Prior to that, I obtained two bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science and General Business Management from the Dual Degree Program at the same institution with the highest distinction.

Research Interests

  • Knowledge Graph Reasoning with Neural Graph Database
  • Reasoning (Theory-of-Mind) with Large Language Models
  • Graph Machine Learning


  • Hong Kong PhD Fellowship 2024
  • Dean's Lists (8 semesters)

Academic Service

Conference Reviewer: EMNLP 2023, ACL Rolling Review, KDD 2024

Selected Publications

  1. TMLR
    Sequential Query Encoding for Complex Query Answering on Knowledge Graphs
    Jiaxin Bai*, Tianshi Zheng*, and Yangqiu Song
    Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2023